Generally ill at ease today. I tend to pay attention to these kind of physical signals out here. Not really sick but not up to speed - which usually means I've gotten a little too much UV ( the UV index out here is 10+ on a daily basis) reckon I need to keep a low profile for my body to absorb it and give me a good shot of vitamin D. Made the best of the down time with a long nap then some grounds cleaning. Ryan loaned me his book "Quicksilver - Terlingua and the Chisos Mining Company" to help kill some hot UV time by staying inside and reading.

Just when I thought I was getting back my mojo - I got nailed by a conenose beetle - in broad daylight no less! Somehow the little blood sucker got into my boot and started munching on my leg late this afternoon. This specimin was about 3/4" long. For me so far, these are the worst critter annoyance out here as they usually get you when you are asleep. My bites tend to swell up pretty good and take about two weeks to disappear. When I found him he felt the brunt of the boot big time.
About those bug bites,Keep some Children's Benadryl-D Allergy and Sinus Liquid on hand. I do for wasp stings, it may well save your life. Ask your doctor about it. Trust me,, as we get older thinks that never bothered us before start popping up.
John, you might want to keep a close watch on how you're doing...
The kissing bug is so called because of its habit of biting humans on the lips, usually while the victim is sleeping. When the bug bites, it also defecates on the skin – it is the bug’s feces, rather than its saliva, that contain the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease or American sleeping sickness. Like many insect bites, the bite of the triatomid bug itches, and the victim soon scratches, rubbing bug feces and parasites into the wound.
For your information there was a small research study back in 2005 in Terlingua that looked at cone nose beetle bites and possible infections, found one of two artciles that you might be interested in
Big Bend Gazette
Didn't find an article that stated Dr. Aley's results of blood tests from concerned individuals, taken on the porch, but don't remember any positive results for Trypanosoma[Chagas disease].
If you keep getting swelling after bites, then you might want to see the local clinic personnel. People usually get less swelling from bites after time, build up a bit of immunity, getting more swelling after repeated bites is something that needs to be looked at, imho.
Do you have an ID on that yellow flower you posted?
I find the dry Texas heat will slowly dehydrate you in a "non-thirsty" way.
If you're not peein', you should be drinkin', as my old man used to say.
As far as I'm concerned, the conenose is Enemy Number One out here. I've found that the sooner I can wash the bite area with soap and water, then wipe with vinegar, the less it will itch afterwards. To me that's the worst part; the insidious and constant itching and throbbing. Hate those little suckers!
I'm sad to hear about the bug bites.
I can recomend "Quicksilver" wholeheartedly. I thoroughly enjoyed learning the back-story of Terlingua. It's a fascinating read.
As usual, good luck with all.
When you get your chickens set up at the Field Lab they will be on constant bug patrol, eating all kinds of things that creep and crawl.
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