Played with the webcam and software most of the day. Broadcast live in the morning then again in the late afternoon. The longhorns all signed releases. Took a break in the middle for a field lab visit from my new friend Don. 

Funny thing is...I think the video feed to here is better than the one on my website. I must have spent 3 hours yesterday trying to figure out how to stick it on the site. Lemmeno what you think. (hmmmm...just checked it myself and couldn't really see any difference from my end) Benita was the star of the show today. Here she is during the live feed from the "chew yer cud" cam this afternoon. 86,98,60,0
John I want to let you know how much I have enjoyed that webcam today. every time I came into the house I would check it to see how you were doing. One thing I want to ask is do you only use 4 batteries to store your power in. I know you have windmills, how much power do you get from those and would you buy them again.
Don't know what your designs might be on your improved demographic, but by moving the webcam indoors and pointing it at your bed it seems that you're advertising not only for females, but for exhibitionists. Maybe I didn't watch long enough and you were just in the process of aiming the camera when I checked it out.
Too much for me. I prefer watching the weather. have it in your house...Never seen a portable web cam before.
I don't see a difference John, looks the same at both sites...
After having a play with the stickam stuff I think I may know what is going on. The technology uses a flash player to load what is effectively an application in your web browser. This application seems to run in two modes, Admin and Public. On your profile view the stickam_player.swf is connecting to your webcam locally showing you what is coming from your camera. The general public will be running the same app, but because we/they are not signed in as you, the software connects to your public stream. This is fed by you up to stickam servers and then served up to the public. Looking at the default settings by pressing the 'settings' button, in the 'video' section it is set to "Auto adjust the video quality periodically". Which means the player software running as uploader does some video compression. This all makes sense as I doubt if the stickam servers could cope with loads of High Def video streams. It is likely that they can throttle the quality at their end as well to manage the load on their servers and network.
So for the time being you still have the best seat in the house!
I suspect you uploaded you test pattern as your profile pic and it's waiting for approval. Until it is approved the player defaults to the last camera image when you are offline. Once it is approved we should see the RCA test pattern when you are offline.
You had the microphone on last night and I was wettin' meself when you called that longhorn "Maybelline". Then a jingle came into my head...
"Maybe She's Born With It....."
Hay John, who owns those cows??
I don't know bout you, but all I see is a stink'n test pattern. What a test pattern go to do with cows???
Where the cows????
Hey John, I'm in town! I'm staying at the Mosasaur Ranch Museum across from the Lajitas International Airport making the website. Been having a blast in Terlingua Ghost Town with brother Dr. Doug. When you get to rolling around Terlingua, come see the dinosaur bones at the museum. I'll try to get over to your place when I find out exactly where you are, or maybe we could meet at the Grub Shack someday. Jon
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