Congratulations to some winners of the 2009 Nobel Prize for Physics. In 1969 Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith invented the first successful imaging technology using a digital sensor, a CCD (Charge-Coupled Device). The CCD technology makes use of the photoelectric effect, as theorized by Albert Einstein and for which he was awarded the 1921 year's Nobel Prize. By this effect, light is transformed into electric signals. The challenge when designing an image sensor was to gather and read out the signals in a large number of image points, pixels, in a
short time. The guts of my digital cameras. CHEERS!!

Slowly shifting back into gear at the Field Lab. Spent untold hours finally figuring out how to get the static image to come up on the webcam when I'm offline - instead of the last frame of video for the previous session. Break time at the GrubShack for a BLT on Texas toast. Texas toast is the secret ingredient for any great sandwich.
After lunch I set up the web cam and wrestled two trusses across the greenhouse courty
ard. Needed to clear a path so I could move the scaffold into place for the next "up in the air" truss painting session. That about did it for the day due to toasty temps and gusty winds. 88,104, 68,0

Had 5 longhorns in and out all day. They are leaving quite the mark with their poop. Lots to clean up including this one on the edge of my chair. I have to start training them to respect where their butts are aimed before they let loose.
Where is "Spam Cam"? Or is that only on Monday night?
If you have an overabundence of longhorn droppings maybe consider using if for fuel for your greenhouse. There is an article on the bbc's website:
Animal dung being mixed with waste and post harvest materials - sawdust, charcoal dust, maize cobs and even banana skins.
They claim it burns 30% hotter than charcoal; might be worth looking into.
Some thanks they give you for feeding them huh.
I think I'll put up one of the Harbor Freight solar electric fences. It would be worth 60 bucks not to have to be scooping up longhorn poop or cleaning my outdoor furniture! I start the first leg of my move down there tomorrow. Maybe I'll see you around some times.
Oh yuck, projectile poop!
How about the Nobel Prize in medicine..they found out what causes old people.
John, I was thinking about webcams this morning when I had a brain fart. Instead of boring everyone, I have put my ideas here...
texas longhorns
Longhorn cattle poop is like gold! Be thankful they tried to get it close to chair and overshot.
Put it all in our compost pile. Surprised you haven't made a trip around the property to collect all the rest.
I am getting a really good picture/video at the moment
Hey, John,
If I bring a couple of plain grey t-shirts down to your place, can you apply the "The Field Lab" logo for me? I could wear 'em around the Chili Cook-Off behind the store, thereby making me one of the coolest guys there!
Some would call this art. Make prints and sell them on it "F-Art"
have u thought about a methane!!!!!good luck...ken t
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