Time flies out here in the desert. Just one year ago today, Betty opened the GrubShack.

Shopping vs. Supply Run: When I go to Alpine, I don't go shopping - I go to buy. The difference is lots of wasted time and money vs. being an efficient consumer. I was in and out in 2 hours and got everything on my list and nothing more. Passed this new cow on the road home - I'm sure she smelled the truck load of range feed.

BillyBob landed safely back on Terlingua Ranch for a visit. As soon as my road dries out a little more he is going to try and navigate his behemoth motor home out to the Field Lab to park for a spell.

The new IP Cam arrived today! Most folks would just rip open the box and start plugging stuff in....not me. I prefer to savor the experience. The manual will be my bedtime reading.

u should have fed that poor cow
You should only read the manual when you can't get the dang thing to work.
That cow looks real pregnant to me. At least from the shot you posted.
Love the pictures!
A whole year of Ms. Doyle! Here's to many more! Out of all those longhorns that hang around, get their picture taken, perform porn? They are all so beautiful. Where's the ugly ones?
A whole year. Wow. Well done champ.
You're a bit like me with the savouring. I've had my new Bass amp for two months, still have yet to play with it as my bands are all on hiatus.
The lab is looking good. It's all coming together well.
I would savor the new cam arrival, too...did you take time to really absorb the awesomeness of YOUR new cam??? I checked it out with your link and it's a honey :o) I can't wait to see how it performs.
The new cow is a beauty.
I made it to the GrubShack yesterday and got a piece of the 1 year birthday cake. Met some good people and stayed around there for a while. Unfortunately I couldn't get to the land because of the recent rain. I'll give it a couple of more days to dry out before I try that.
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