81,92,67,.10 Another month - another day of grounds keeping. Moved several items out of view that have laid in position for months without being touched. More Field Lab visits coming up this weekend. Re-stacked the fire pit since I have yet to decide where to move it. Seemed to fill the day just getting organized and sorting things out. Took a walk around the spread and tried to count the population of the endangered plant I have growing out here - lost count around 150. Also on today's schedule was mounting a new piece of glass on the solar water heater manifold and charging up a new battery for the go kart. Forgot to mention that I tweaked it again a couple of days ago. I knew the valves needed to be adjusted but didn't know how (lost the manual). Did a quick internet search and found a video showing the exact procedure....that sure was easy. How did I get by without the internet?
Got a tenth of an inch of rain last night around 10PM. Wetted the road ju

st enough to see a bunch of longhorn tracks this morning. Spotted 6 of them late this afternoon and drove out to deliver a snack. They all followed me back home for seconds. Didn't take long for them to find the bird bath.
Some times you just need days like that one. Glad it was productive for you. I was silently hoping you were setting up a live view internet camera for constant broadcast. :-)
Cows are always hungry
Is that cow on the right Maybelline?
Where is Benita?
I think the one of those cows is name Rosie Odonell or Rosanne Bar
either way Rosie works for me.
This week's BBC World Service, "Science in Action" Podcast features an interview with one of the space.1337arts.com — "Project Icarus" Team members, Oliver Yeh. Podcast Here...
It is the last item in the podcast, fast forward to 22min 58s
Funny you should mention the series on the National Parks. I was watching it Wed. night and thought of you. Brilliant minds run on the same track.
Those longhorns are really nice, do you let people do paintings from your photos?
Time for a new digital TV and antenna. Some of the free stuff is pretty good and now some stations like PBS have multiple free channels. Watching Letterman fess up to affairs within his staff members was interesting...and funny.
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