Pulled the forms of the poured caps and all looks good - will let it cure for a couple of days before I drag the other 3 trusses into place. Good thing is I can use these same forms to pour all the rest of the caps when their time comes.Spent the rest of the day spraying the flying trusses...pooped out before I could finish them.
My road is just about dried out - hopefully good to go for an Alpine run tomorrow...getting dangerously low on Benita treats. 81,98,64, .04"
Did the raccoon eat your weather station?
One has to wonder how you will raccoon proof the greenhouse?
I won't say it out loud, but there is only one sure way to stop that coon . Hope Billy Bob found you ok, I know he is on his way.. Might want to lock the gate. :-)
Cap looks great..Have a good time in ALpine...Benita is one lucky cow!
Racky raccoon would appreciate it if you bought him some cheap catfood in town!
Gotta totally agree with Ben here, once them *** coons get the idea that there is food around they will tear up or down, depends on how yu look at it, anything they can trying to get to it, next thing yu know they will be chewing on the battery house or the main house and he/she will bring friends to help! I built me a trap outa 2/2's and chicken wire and now I relocate all the trouble makers that come around my place. Trinity river is about 20 miles away, they must like it there, ain't none come back.
Bob is right, John. There's no such thing as ONE raccoon. My father used to feed them to buzzards, but I trap them in wire traps and relocate them to the Trinity river bottoms. They have done quite a bit of damage to my storage buildings and my next door neighbor had them in her attic and the chewed through the ceilings of her house. My advice is do NOT feed raccoons.
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