Thursday, September 6, 2012

killing burros

A filmmaker named Carl Mrozek came by yesterday. He is collecting footage of wild burros to help stop their killing around the country....of course there were none here when he came by but he interviewed me about my experience with them. This is some of his footage that ran on CBS last Sunday.;flexGridModuleI 
Apparently Texas Parks and Wildlife has agreed to stop shooting them for the time being.  Interesting how the article proclaims them to be a non-native species when they have been here for 500 years.   I told Carl about Mr. Floppy and how I can feed him a carrot from my mouth. He asked me if I had any photos of that, but I didn't. I told him I would try get a picture next chance I got. Well...Floppy came in at noon today and was happy to oblige.  87,102,69,0,B, .24


Guided Tours in Oaxaca with José said...

Another person who is active in protecting burros: (

beehappyrescuer said...

wow, I'd love to adopt a li'l burrito, they are supposed to be great chicken protectors

thank you for the pictures John and the poster with floppy is just perfect for some new T-shirts

Rita B. said...

Guvner Goodhair thinks it more important for the rich trophy hunters to get their damn big horned goats (whatever) than protect the innocent burros who actually have a supporting roll in the building of America. I've been online looking for some good Donkey/Burro bumper stickers...NOT the kind associated with a certain government party. Anyone wanting to rescue a burro can contact these folks...

Rita B. said...

...just noticed Ms. Floppy in the background...she's probably thinking "those 2 dang fools". @George...thanks for that link. i'll enjoy reading her blogs.

Morgan said...

500 years is more native than a lot folks that live her and call themselves natives!

Unknown said...

Mr. Floppy looks like such a gentle soul.
glad he was willing to pose for you!

Dale said...

Your getting to be the go to guy for folks wanting to observe the flora and fauna of the high desert. Texas is in dire need of a new legend, you might just fit the bill. It's odd that most of our men of renown came from out of state ie. Charles Goodnight.

Anonymous said...

LOVE that Floppy-carrot pic dude xxxx

Allen Hare said...

Great pic of you and the Flopster. I want a burro, too.