Thursday, September 20, 2012

while I'm at it...

My new friend Jeannette Gibbons came by for the tour this morning.  Forgot to get a photo.  Funny thing is, I did a Google Image search before she arrived.  We joked about this photo of a Jeannette Gibbons that isn't her (she had seen it) - a mug shot from 2007.  No sign of my grader-contractor today and I didn't get out to hunt him down.  Highlight of the day was a visit this afternoon from my friend Nick's donkey - Jesse James. We bonded.

Filled up lots of idle time working out  self publishing issues.  I have been approached by a couple of publishers for a book, so I am exploring all my options.  Going to do a test run for a sample with  Looking to do a printed edition of my blog on my five year anniversary.  Been working on a preamble to the series - my last year in New York and the first 8 months in the desert before I started the blog.  82,95,57,0,C, .23


JohnnyM said...

Jesse is really good lookin! I watched you & Jessie on uStream. Glad to hear about the publishing. Your life ventures are way to interesting to not share with the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

Like your sense of humor with the mug shot.

remmij said...

Wells of Truth... Compost John, Compost... Ben There, Dung That.

Write on, it will become a Lone Star Empire.

Rita B. said...

Wow, Jesse is a goodlooking donkey. Mr. Floppy might get jealous seeing you sharing the carrots.

LarryLilly said...

In the donkey photo I noticed in the background the horns, benita's? drying. Going to post a close up shot of it soon?

czardastx said...

Those donkeys sure have you trained with the carrot trick. Good boy John, good boy...

Bicedottor said...

JW: I am striving to be gracious; but, it does sting a bit to be bested by Jesse James - as Thursday's highlight. I've always overestimated my charm. Thank you for the tour. Great plan for your new living space & office off the greenhouse. Jeannette

John Wells said...

Jeannette...Sorry, I have a soft spot for 4 legged critters. However, your generous contribution to Ben's college fund was the highlight of the month!

JohnnyM said...

I really enjoyed my moments today with uStream. I miss Texas like the dickins. So having time to spend moments there at TFL helps!

Allen Hare said...

That Jesse is a handsome fellow.

The book deal sounds interesting. It will be interesting reading the preamble.

Unknown said...

Just stumbled across this, thought you might be interested, i.e., college fund for Ben, publish book, ?