Wednesday, September 26, 2012

mas o menos

Ben's horn nubs are growing well.  Noticed this morning that his "stuff" was finally gone.  Checked the trail from his morning romp but didn't find anything.  Found it in the pen this afternoon (to go into the Field Lab Museum along with his umbilical cord).  Ben is officially a steer now.  Healing up nicely down under.  The banding did a good clean job of it after 7 weeks.  He is also taking to eating hay quite well now.  That's my boy!  80,92,63,T,B,0


Bruce S said...

Ouch! I'm glad that's over.

Cat said...

It's for the best

Unknown said...

looking kind of skinny

remmij said...

horny and sackless - the world is a cold, unfair place -
even extra wheat grass can't change that & that's the fact, Jack... but tomorrow is another day.

Kent Spring said...

No longer "My boy"...

LarryLilly said...

I have a dumb question. Who is his momma and is he legally yours or the owner of his mom?

Just wondering.

Rita B. said...

@LarryLilly.....check out the July blogs.

Anonymous said...

Gross picture of Ben's nuts! Nothing is private, poor Ben.

Dizzy-Dick said...

You can't start your own heard that way. . .

Unknown said...

Mazel Tov!

Allen Hare said...

I had forgotten about this part. Glad he got through it o.k.

Boomer said...

Did you think to put them on ebay. People would got nuts over them