Woke up to a nice morning rainbow - the after effect of .o2" of rain early this morning. Not much to report today except than Betty is back and all is well at the GrubShack. She had quite a crowd to feed today. Too bloody hot to do much at home so I just puttered....made a filter screen for the intake hose on the water pump, repaired the battery clips on Betty's battery charger, gave two Field Lab tours, packed everything up in case of rain, and fired up the GoKart. My poor desert dune buggy has been badly neglected. Had to jump start it then added some SeaFoam to the gas tank and let it run for about an hour to clean out the carburetor. It finally purred like a (loud) kitten and drove like a dream. Will give it some good test runs before I'm willing to drive it farther than I'm willing to walk home. Benita chose some bovine bonding today and is grazing about 2 miles away from home with the herd. Stopped off twice to give her a delivery snack so she'll remember "who's yer daddy".....
Never used Sea-foam but really like RXP , especially in the engines that don't get used much.
neat double rainbow, I saw my first triple rainbow down there back in the 80s at a VFW barbeque really interesting.
I was thinking it was a double rainbow also. Very faint for the top rainbow and I was going to ask if it was a double or if that was just a reflection on the lens or a trick of the light.
Oh, and what's that in the lower left of the picture? It almost looks like a rocket of some type. Put a nose cone on that sucker and it looks flight ready.
I thought I asked this before but I dont see it. How do you filter your run off water that you pump to your tanks?
what ya do OGT is ya pump that water, mud, rocks, weeds, chicken bones and all into that big ol' tank and ya let it settle out for a few days. Then ya got good drink'n water for the stock and for mak'n a "mean cup of coffee.
Once a year, ya climb in the tank and shovel all that crap out and start all over. Very simple.
Posted by Water Quality engineer Billy Bob and Company.
Hey BB all thet "organic crap" in the bottom of the tank is what you grow all your maters and cukes and stuff in.
Well that and a little of Benitas contributions.
@Bob from Athens. Let's not forget that John will be composting his own poo for his veggies when he completes the greenhouse.
Hey John , I never forgot. Are you gonna take orders for your Field Lab T-shirts? If so xxl in grey for me.
Official T-Shirt design is in the works...coming soon.
That looks like a deer feeder in the lower left of today's photo. Must be a neighbor's, 'cuz I've never heard John mention it.
About the water storage tanks - is it possible to get inside to clean them out, as Billy Bob mentioned? Is there a man-sized opening? Seems like there would be a drain plug at the bottom to purge them out with.
John, when you get the shirts done, I'll take two in large.
the mysterious object is my national weather service rain guage...plenty of room to climb into the tanks through the manhole if you aren't XXL....
more insentive to loose my other half and Im not talking chicks here.
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