Had little desire to even touch any rebar today after yesterdays push. Late breakfast at the GrubShack then headed down to Terlingua on a water run - fetched 125 gallons to top off my potable water tank since the rain has not cooperated lately. Just as I was coming home, I passed some folks that had come out for a visit. Dennis and Jan turned around and followed me out for the tour. These two are my new favorite best friends that have property out here. This couple kind of remind

s me (from my NYC daze) of a perfect couple from Brooklyn Heights....they even dropped off some of my new favorite beer and some home made pumpkin bread. Finally got over my aversion to rebar and topped of the day by just getting started on truss #4.
Well, that beer picture is another clue on what to bring to get tour when I am down that way next week.
Although I think I can find you a better beer. :-)
Ben.....I am always open to a better beer.
Sometimes you just need a little time out. Appears you took only a little.
I'll ditto Ben on the beer.
Ah, Shiner...you're becoming a real TEXAN.b
Kudos on the trusses John. I have built a few myself and it can be VERY tedious work...
I love me some Shiner Beer, in any of it's many incarnations.
That sure is one well worn welding jig table. The patterns of welding on it look like modern art. When you're done with it, you should cut it up into 16x20 inch pieces, frame them, and sell them to art collectors. Sure to fetch a bundle!
As usual, good luck with the next phase.
You now have two more street names down there. I got my 911 address and got to name two of the streets down there in the process. Thorne Rd. and Elna Rd. My address will be 1000 Elna Rd.
Maybe we can have a few of my type beers one of these days. I'm thing about brewing my on once I get settled in.
Thats the beauty of Off grid life, If you feel like it , do it. If you dont then dont.
Obviously, taste has everything to do with beverage of choice.
I can think of 3 mexican bottled beverages that I would pour into that bottle after its empty.
place is comming together John, can't wait for my tour. I got the entrance fee to the field lab I think. cactus candy and its 6 pack of friends.
have a good weekend
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