Didn't really get to work till 1:30...then a big storm started heading this way out of the NW. I checked the Doppler radar and it was getting close. I packed up the tools, mixed a drink, sat on the porch and watched as the big dark storm evaporated into clear sky right above me. Break over - back to cutting.

Decided that I didn't want to have to write about more cutting for the next couple of days - so I plowed through it and finished at 8:30PM. The parts (624 total) for the next 3 trusses are ready to go - now just lots of welding.
Done cuttin! That's gotta feel good.
Now it's time for rutuburi.
hey jw ,
got that production schedule going on ?
Way to power through it John...lookin good!
attaboy! less spellcheck and more of....well, whatever it was you mixed up....that's the ticket!
I really need to proof read these posts better....
Was nice to see you in the pic..you have a suntan going on!
That's a lot of little metal rods! You are going to be welding for quite some time. It'll be great to see all those trusses up in place.
IF anyone gives you trouble over your lack of editing just have em look at mine. ther aint know komparison. lol
nice job on finishing up the cuts anyone who works past 5:30 anymore in construction is A ok.
Watz pruf red?
Keep it up and don't worry about the typing errors we can read around them. The important stuff is you have it. Desire to finish the job when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You are not working for some else on their time!
ATTABOY!! now to see the welding job ahead. I know you are glad you took the time to build that huge jig!
John, now ya done went and done it the easy way, what ya ain't sposed to do. With no more little rods to cut and nuttin but weld'n to do, ya gonna get bored. Then ya gonna be run'n off to The Grub Shack bother'n Betty three four times a day. But then again, welding is like play'n with "tinker toys". Ya just can't put them down.
Look'n good!!!
There's a video on Tinyhouseblog of Dick and Bonny Cain ... isn't that Bonita's owners? :-)
I was just told the T1i leaves a lot to be desired in no flash settings for color over the plain T1.
I'd like to know where you got the cutoff saw and blades. I'd have been through a dozen wheels and at least three saws to have done that much cutting!
I do have to say, if you ever get a chance to visit The Field Lab...do it. It was worth the trip from Ft. Davis to meet some of the people from the blog.
The Grub Shack is a cool place. I met some of the 'locals' there and they are really nice people. My first order was for a cup of coffee. Betty didn't charge me because it was my first ever cup of coffee. I would have gladly paid though because the coffee was delicious and hot. Later I had the ham and cheese sandwich and John had the BLT. His looked as delicious as mine tasted. When I get back out that way I'm eating there again.
Benita was much prettier in person than the pictures are able to convey. She's a one of a kind pet, much cooler than having a dog. Not many people have a longhorn for a house pet.
It's very impressive to see all of the things that John has done out there. I'm glad he got all the cutting done because I felt bad that I was there and he wasn't able to get work done. But I had a wonderful visit.
John, you fit in just fine for what my idea of a Texan should be. You made me feel at home and didn't treat me like a stranger. Sorry I couldn't convince any cute chicks to ride with me to The Field Lab. I gave up trying to convince them after they called 911. Perhaps when the Hooters opens across the street from the Wal Mart you'll have cute chicks in that part of the world.
Thanks for the visit. I enjoyed it, it was all I expected and it did live up to the hype.
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