Lucked out on absolutely no rain last night - my rebar delivery came without a hitch. Sorted out the new batch and set myself up for more cutting....later. Assembled the loaner scaffold then had breakfast at the GrubShack. Picked up some jerk seasoning from my buddy David then came
home and popped a seasoned game hen in the solar oven. Didn't quite feel up to breaking out the chop saw so finally plopped one of my 1550 gallon tanks. Took 4 wheel barrow loads of sand to level the pad then rolled the tank up into place. Rigged up some siphon hoses to start drawing out of the 3000 gallon tank. Setting myself up for o
ne last creek pump session into the big tank before the rains end. Topped off the day attending a cookout at David and Susan's Irie Shanty. The system I will be trying out for making potable water out of some of this creek sludge is a variation of the plan from this site. http://www.ecofriend.org/entry/each-drop-is-pure-with-solar-water-purifier/

I have to admit the Shanty is interesting. It looks like the place has some interesting features. There is some great ingenuity around Terlingua.
This is interesting, youll be able to write a field manual about when your done.
I love the solar water purifier. I never seen a design quite like that, but I got to admit it makes for a logical progression from the basic solar still. I have some big blocks of foam and a sheet of glass. I think I'll try it too. With a gravity/syphon feed, this makes for a ingenius system.
Will be interesting to see John's design application. From all the reading, John will soon no longer need to purchase water!
Yes, very interesting solar water purifier. I like the design. It will be interesting to see John's application of the design.
I find it interesting that the original link that John put up was a repost from this one on the New Scientist (http://www.newscientist.com/blog/technology/2007/11/water-good-idea.html), which in turn was a report from this website (Don't click, http://www.solarwaterpurifier.com/html/howworks.htm) which is now completely dead. I wonder if there is a good reason?
Windows Media
Might want to watch the clouds headed your way from the West, we just got 0.42 in ten minutes and it looks like it is moving your way, maybe 2-2 1/2hrs to your place.
Interesting solar water purifier. I wonder if they made theirs air-tight to take advantage of reduced pressure to increase evaporation rate.
About Water Purification
I also like the cone type water stills - no aiming necessary. Like this one...
Water Cone Solar Still
Better yet, a cone type still that needs no aiming and has the added advantage of a wick to increase surface area for enhanced evaporation rates.
Aquamate Floating Inflatable Solar Still
A barrel with a layer of charcoal and filled the rest of the way with sand would go a long way in purifying the water you catch. Eventually a biotic layer would form on the surface which would help remove some of the contaminants that slowly dripped through the system. It would not kill the microbes but at least you would end up with clear, non-smelly water.
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