Benita had a good hair day today...her bangs looked nicely groomed and she doesn't even use a comb. Just wish I could touch up that trace of grey.
Dragged all my gear up a couple of levels and did the final welds on half of the high section of truss 1. Just about set myself up to weld the other half when the dark clo

uds arrived from the NW. Packed up all the tools and cancelled any further welding. Took the recently serviced water pump back out to its spot and hooked up the hoses - just as I finished priming it, the rain started. All the good juicy clouds petered out though and only ended up with a sprinkle.

Had a rum'n'coke and sat on the porch whilst the mist fell. Got a second wind and as soon as the sky cleared I decided to move my last 1550 gallon tank into place. Four more wheel barrow loads of sand and it was sitting level(ish), ready for water. We are getting very close to the end of rainy season. Slight chance of rain overnight. Just hope we get one last downpour so I can fill 'em all up.
Hello John, I have been following your Blog for some time now. Very interesting what you are doing. I can understand some of the problems you come up with. I bought a piece of desert land in 1989 and started the grading process and ended up with a double wide Mobil Home on it. I had to drive my own well which was not as difficult as I thought it would be. I only had to go down 24 ft to reach water. It's considered surface water and is not good to drink because of rooty taste, but it works great for showers,toilets and dishes as well as yard watering.
I have to acid wash it every 2 years or so but thats no big deal.
How far down is water at your place.
There's my darlin B'nita. I think her horns need polishing John.
How are you going to get the sand that settles in the tanks out?
Do you have any idea how old Benita is?
I am a bit concerned about lightening strikes on your greenhouse.
Yep, a good rum'n'coke usually gets my second wind going.
Hey, I just went and looked at the seasonal averages and they say Oct is about as wet as Sept, about an inch and a half, do you know something they don't? Of course the next six months or so after that all combined may get up to an inch and a half, talk about dust bowl, better build a bigger dam!
Ever see young frankenstien with gene wilder. maybe he is building a creature. lol just kidding. I bet he has the lightning thing figured out but not telling us yet
Wish I could send some of the rain we are getting down there. (7 inches in the past two days and its still coming strong) Plano Texas. I plan to be moving on to my property down there hopefully with in the next 3 months and from what you'll say it looks like I'll be getting there in the dry part of the year.
Have you considered digging out a pond for storage?
I second David. We (Denton, Tx) have had all the rain we can stand here!
Ponds are great for catchment out here, but evaporation rates are too high to use them for storage. Better to catch the rain and pump it into a closed container as John is doing with his dam.
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