1. Finished re-welding truss#1
2. Dick Cain doing a roundup (not Benita)
3. Looking east
4. Poop oops

Life off the grid in the SW Texas desert. An experiment in sustainable living. NUMBERS AT THE END OF EACH BLOG POST: temp at 8PM,high temp,low temp,rainfall,wind conditions(CalmBreezyWindyGusty). YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFieldLab Daily live streams at https://www.youtube.com/thefieldlab/live
Totally love the round-up photo!
Yeah, the round-up photo is excellent.
Very nice that you've finished up truss one. Will you be starting another one soon?
I noticed the 250 gallon water container on the pallet in the third picture. There is someone here in the DFW area selling them for $60 and $75 each. I'd like to take a few down there, but the warning comes with the ads that they are for non potable water only because they contained chemicals before and washing them might not do much good. Unfortunately they don't say what chemicals came in them.
Actually, the set up dosn't look that bad. A rail between the corner of the box to the step frame over the welder area probabably wouldn't hurt. Love the round up pic, looks just like something you may see right here in the Cowboy Museum in San Antonio...very cool.
Congratulations on the half-way point with the trusses! 3-down, 3 to go. Looking forward to seeing them all up and covered.
Videos on YouTube about growing high density fruit trees in the desert:
Just saw you on RFD TV. How exciting and interesting! I am also thinking and doing things to be self sustaining. My father moved from downtown Orlando, Florida to Costa Rica to get away from the BS. The life is so much more fulfilling. Funny how we surround ourselves with such frivlous crap and waste?! I will be watching and learning. THANKS man!
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