Just a putter day today (and sorry BillyBob
http://billybobsplace.blogspot.com/ , no golf was involved) ...
puddered around looking for what might be the easiest thing to accomplish quickly today. Found it with my new window score. Only took about a hour to remove the 3 sections of prime glass from the window frame. Now I have a new piece for my solar hot water heater manifold and the main ingredient for 2 new solar ovens. Needed one more task before really taking the day off, so I removed the roll cage from the go kart. Thought it needed a sportier look. Cleaned the spa

rk plug and took it on a little 3 mile trip - no problems. It doesn't go fast enough to roll over on the flats and I don't go off-roadin' with it so I reckon it's ok to take the top off. If I am ever wrong about this - boy, I bet it sure is gonna hurt...
Welcomed some new visitors that showed up on the doorstep of the Field Lab this morning. A couple of botanist ladies looking for a plant specific to my landscape.
http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/huntwild/wild/species/terlingu/ We took a walk and they showed me what they were looking for within minutes. I responded with, "These

plants are everywhere out here!" They took some measurements and then I showed them one I knew of by the greenhouse. Funny thing was, I named it
Kevin on the spot and one of the women gently stroked some leaves and said, "Hi, Kevin." I was told that they usually bloom in April so I went back to the April file of my photos and sure enough, here is Kevin when he was in-bloom on April 12, 2009. I think I need a grant to study them...a really BIG grant. 89,102,59,0
Kevin on the Fizzle Flat Lentil. Yer killin me! That definitely needs some $$$ thrown at it. I guess I'll put on a lab coat, carry a clip board and put a decal on my rental car. Then I can just pop in?
Texas Status
U.S. Status
Endangered, Listed 9/30/1991
Well, there goes your chance of opening a sheetrock mine. Page says it loves gypsum.
I wish someone would pet me like kevin. I guess I could sit out there and wait until a few ladies discovered me.
Hey,, do go showing those tree luggers all your plants down there. They might find some rare endangered species and lock the whole place down as an endangered species site.
Remember the snail darter minnow fiasco?
John, putter'n around is nothing more than "do'n nuttin"....what is my favorite hobby. The most work I done in the last year was building a solar oven, install'n my solar system and replac'n my awning what the Deming winds ate up.
LOL OGT....John didn't say them ladies were "pet'n" Kevin. He said they was "strok'n" Kevins ....ah...ah..ah...leaves???
I love wildflowers and have a hobby of identifying them. I've never heard of that one and now I know why.
It's nice to see Kevin in such good hands. I guess Benita won't eat such fare, or he'd be gone by now.
For someone who is just puttering around you sure did a lot today.
How did the ladies know where to reach you? I guess Benita was not guarding the compound, lol.
I have never seen "Kevin" and now I know why...
Lol, Off Grid you crack me up!!
nice buggy, I want one
Nice recycle job on the window panes.
Is this the sort of come-on you describe sometimes?
By the way, you don't have the little thingy which allows me to show my actual blog address: http://twoblueday.wordpress.com.
I long ago abandoned my blogger blog, but you can never actually get rid of them, apparently.
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