Had dinner at the stilt house with him and wife Vanessa and my BFF Grace - and Chuck and Aunt Kathy. Grace made the center piece for the table. 42,78,26,0,C
Life off the grid in the SW Texas desert. An experiment in sustainable living. NUMBERS AT THE END OF EACH BLOG POST: temp at 8PM,high temp,low temp,rainfall,wind conditions(CalmBreezyWindyGusty). YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFieldLab Daily live streams at https://www.youtube.com/thefieldlab/live
Glad you had a good time with good friends. Nothing better than that.
1st sub-freezing night..... Ahhhh..... 6 weeks later than mine! I love it!
Moving down from Seattle. Will be happy to get something you need off Craigslist and bring with me if I can. Bought Sorrell place. Will be down in March.
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