Got hot so I switched gears to the solar oven. Mixed up a batch of "Dr. Doug Loaf" to deliver tonight at the Starlight. 4 cups self rising flour, 1 TBS Mesquite seasoning, 4 TBS sugar, 2 cups Monterey Jack cheese ( invented in the US according to NPR's Science Friday ), 1 1/2 cups of Hickory Smoked SPAM, and a 16oz can of Budweiser Chelada Beer. Baked in the solar oven for 3 hours at 275 degrees. Shot down to the Startlight and delivered it still hot from the oven to Dr. Doug. Funny thing is when I got there he was talking to his brother Jon ( Dr. Doug's webmaster ) and he put me on the phone to chat for awhile. He has featured the Field Lab quite nicely on the website... http://www.drdougs.com/Friends.html
Entertainment feature of the day: As much disdain I have for popular culture, I am a sucker for these videos of the latest great talent to be found. Regardless of how their lives will change for the worst if they aren't really really careful - I just love to witness the moment of personal triumph and a new beginning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zLkailhsqk
I absolutely love Science Friday on NPR. The website is cool, too.
Wow, that kid can sing his you know what off! Thanks for the link to your friends site. Any friend of James McMurty (one of the best song writers alive) is a friend of mine!
This is probably a little overkill for what you are doing on your project.You probably already know this information, just a little information for the rest of the folks.
Weldable rebar is ASTM A706, vs the typical ASTM 615 used for concrete reinforcement.
Due to the high Carbon Equivalent of rebar, low hydrogen welding electrodes are recommended for welding rebar. Weldable rebar will have a C60 W stamped on the end of the rebar. If you weld regular non weldable rebar it can easily break.
In the US, most rebar is not suitable for welding. ASTM A 616 & ASTM A 617 reinforcing are re-rolled rail steel & re-rolled rail axle steel with uncontrolled chemistry, phosphorous & carbon content. These are not suitable for welding.
Non-weldable rebar is weldable; it just doesn't meet code being welded for the purpose it is intended, which is burying in concrete.
That weld looks a lot deeper and stronger than the ones before. I bet it's plenty strong for what you're doing.
I love me some Dr. Doug! I've met him on the porch a few times, and he has an awesome website.
I agree with texascowpunk that James McMurtry is one of the best songwriters around, and also one of the best guitarists I've seen.
Congrats on your very productive day of work, and the fresh bread delivery.
O yea I believe Joe Cocker himself would have been proud of that performance ,I had heard about this fellow and Thanks for sharing on you site ,
Your getting more penetration now and burning more wire but that's a good thing while your working iron. glad you got it "dialed in"
Just as an aside, have you checked out the small house movement? Although, they do not stress off-the-grid sustainability, they do have a lot to say about living in small spaces. I think the movement complements your project. Check out www.smallhousesociety.org and http://tinyhouseblog.com/tiny-house/small-house-society/. The links from the blog are fascinating. It details gypsy caravans to the modern trailer cabins. Cheers and keep up the hardwork. I love checking in on the progress.
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