Didn't get rained on last night but have a stretch of 30% chances coming up so made a quick Alpine run this morning. Sorry I didn't get a chance to visit with any of my city friends. Did stop by Big Bend Telephone to pay my bill and chat up the girls in the office - they all remember me because I brought them a bottle of champagne right after my phone got hooked up. Got home just in time to unpack the goodies then go meet my friend RB at the GrubShack for lunch. He came out for a brief updated tour and had a chance to bond with Benita. Just after

he left another visitor showed up for the full tour....Jim Maloney. A real swell guy who has been following the blog and is interested in this kind of lifestyle. Had a great visit with him. Last up for the day was receiving via FedEx, a care package from my new friend Dr.DK. Lots of very useful stuff for the Field Lab - THANKS! Like Christmas in August. Photo of the day is part of one of the many flowering bushes that are coloring my desert for now. Nice to see something other than green or brown for a change.
Shoot son, you going to have to recruit or hire a Gopher, to take care of stuff while you get back to work or you never get done. :-)
Big Bend Phone? I thought you used the magic jack? O do you jsut get internet thru the phone company?
I refer to it as "MY DESERT" too..
I think they would remember you even if you had not brought them a bottle of champagne...
Fun to see Benita and get your update.
The Field lab has Big Bend Phone for mostly the internet and local phone service. Magic Jack is used for long distance phone use.
If and its a big if, cell service works out there, you can use your internet on your cell phone hooked up to your laptop but its slow. DSL is a great way to go for internet. you can get tv,phone,movies if you got high speed dsl.
My only question is , with out doing that new 911 adress program, can u still get phone service? I dont want an adress on my place, but it looks like phone wont put in a line if you dont have one.
Really nice shot of the flowers.
You're getting quite a lot of visitors these days. I reckon it's nice to have the company when you're living out there all alone.
Joy loves the pink flower ,
back in town end of September.
put some shots from our visit up today.
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