Ended up with way too much day left but no desire to fire of the generator and chop saw. As I was poking around the containers, I found some stencils I bought last year and a can of red Krylon Fusion spray paint. Since I had a freshly laundered t-shirt hanging on the line I decided to make an experimental work shirt for the Field Lab. Struck one of my favorite catalog model poses for the finished product.
That's your money maker right there! You could have a t-shirt printing company do the actual work for you, then ship you a couple gross each in M, L, XL, XXL, and sell 'em to your many followers for ten bucks apiece, plus shipping. You could use the same font that you use for the titles in your videos. I'll take two in large, please.
The truss looks great welded in place. Now the long hard work of repeating all the cutting, set up, and welding for however many more you're going to put up. You wont be looking for something to do for a while.
Good luck with all.
So, ahh, what is it you're building out there? Biosphere-III?
-- inquiring minds and such --
As much as you may want (or not) to actually do the work yourself, it would probably be pretty cheap to have the shorter rebar rods cut at a fab shop. It sure would save you some time and probably be cheaper than the dozen or so cut-off wheels you will burn through. You supply them the stock and they could probably give you a box of uniform pieces in a day or two... I myself can't stand the noise, smell and dust those cut-off machines create. Just a thought.
I've been tuned in to your blog for a while now and have a lot of questions, but don't want to over load your blog. I do hope to be a neighbor at least part time before long. I bought 10 acres down there and am chomping at the bits to get down there and start making plans, but that will have to wait a few month. I'm always coming up with welding projects to build and would like to know what size generator you use for your welder? Like someone else asked before I'd be interested in how you get internet service there to and the speed? I run a couple of web sites and will need to find a way to stay connected down there.
I've also wanted to take a couple of containers and convert them in the living quarters and build a court yard between them with a roof over it. I can imagine a lexan roof over your trusses, but figure that would be pretty hot in the summer without some major ventilation on the peak. It will be interesting to see exactly where you're going with this.
Be careful, be really careful about getting carried away with those stencils. I don't imagine Benita would be a very willing poster board.
John, I was just cruizing through the west texas weekly and they are reporting cases of anthrax in your area, crocket county, to be exact. You can buy the vaccine at feed stores, mighty cheap insurance for something that important to you, (and us).
Are you going to be selling embroidered hats too?
Lookie at the GQ pose you have. I know that you left New York but you still have the flair. LOL Great fun for the day....always time for a lil 'art'.
When I was a kid Id look through the sears catalogue and I remember the underwear models. Was that you? he he
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