Finished up the welding this morning then headed to Ugly Betty's for a late breakfast sandwich. Hung out till about noon then came back to the Field Lab for an unplanned nap...seems I get really sleepy when I read, and as I was reading my mail - I fell asleep for an h
our. Dragged myself out of bed for the second time today and prepped the rig to raise the truss. Waited a couple of hours for the HOT part of the day to have its way then did the deed at 5PM. Shot a time lapse of the event....took about 20 minutes in real time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHESnCJ5qQw

hmmm you need a buddy. I counted that you climbed those ladders sixteen times. Of course there's a lot of self satisfaction doing it yoursef.
that was fun to watch !
looks kinda like "The RoadRunner"
I liked the time laspe truss-raising! Next time I think you should do 25 jumping jacks each time before you descend the ladder to make it look like you're hoving in mid air on the time lapse.
Cool vid. My first thought was, why don't you lay yourself a walkway between the two buildings? save all that up and down. Just my thought.
Thanks for the update.
Nicely done and you have an inspirational work ethic.
What about building a plank between the two containers?
LOL, so that's how you burn off the grub shack grub. Perfect.
Waaay more fun to watch you go up and down ladders. In CROCS!!
You continue to impress with your ingenuity and damn hard work. Good job!
The only thing missing from that video is an audio track of "Yakkety Sax" a la Bennie Hill! That would be perfect.
Most Impressive!
i kept hearing the music from the benny hill show in my head. was waiting for the sexy ladies to come running into the frame.
Nice work!!
@ The Buzzardcheater - lol on the Bennie Hill reference. That song would have been perfect.
Impressive work. Come-alongs are the most versatile tools you can have in your tool box. You've put yours to good use.
Mexican General, looks like a grasshopper to me. Another great picture. And the video let us have a peek at a part of your life that we haven't seen yet, you hard at work, gettin 'er done.
Another enjoyable entry, thanks.
The chair John....da chair was perfect. Shows your great sense of humor. I have to agree with Yakkety Sax. That video should be all over the internet by the time you get up in the morning. Great piece of work.
Cool Video John.
Sound track of Yakkety Sax would be cute.
A board between containers would be more efficient, but not as intertaining or SAFE.
How many total arches?
The ARCHES of Telingua....
Good old fashion ingenuity! where there's a will theres a way! nice!
I thought I was the only one to think of The benny hill song. But looky at all the like minded ones here.
Love the time lapse video ... two thumbs up.
I'm all for the ladders, some sort of bridge looks like it might be MediVac Flight out of The Field Lab.
I was trying to think of what the video reminded me of and those that said Benny Hill were spot on.
If John were to put a board between the two containers the video might look more like Harold Lloyd or Charlie Chaplin.
I applaud your ingenuity and energy. The time lapse video made it look so easy. The sit down at the end was a nice touch.
So, now, it's five days work from begining the new truss to a finished truss on the roof. Very good. Hope you don't have too many more to do.
Ask and you shall recieve!
Kip that was great! I couldn't stop laughing! have started it on its way over the internet.
The link Kip provided is perfect! How do you people come up with this stuff!
Awesome John! You are doing great things down there ... setting a good example for the world.
I also heard yakkety sax playing behind it. If the bridge was secure enough, it would surely save some time.
It was a beautiful thing to watch. But, maybe you could talk an Ugly Betty buddy to do it with you next time.
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