My dad used to do a bit of snoozing while watching the evening news and

waiting for supper. He would always say he wasn't asleep - just resting his eyes. Took a cue from my history and decided to spend the day resting my eyes. The old eyeball is healing and feels much better today -
thanks! for all the comments and concern. I managed to sleep a nice long 10 hours last night which felt really good.
Next work on tap at the Field Lab involves lots of metal grinding and welding...and the thought of all that mo

lten metal and tiny steel shard hazard doesn't really appeal to me right now so I took the day off to heal and watch the grass grow. The brown patch of earth across the road at the end of my driveway is growing quite nicely now and I'm starting to miss the riding mower I had back in NY. Only progress of the day was the delivery of a food tote from my neighbor BM. This will be used for an aquaponics experiment in the greenhouse.
I know how nasty eye injuries can be, so rest that eye well. I am guessing you weld with a full shield as you would not want to upset those peepers with a little arc eye.
Imagine all the internal progress you made today. Speed healing, project envisioning, charging mental battery, and some pressure releasing dreamtime. Niiiiiiiice.
I'm glad you took the day off to heal and chill. Hope you get to feeling better real soon.
I think we were designed to rest more than we do. They say the life span in the old west was under 40 because of lack of health care and we used to literally work our selves to death. Work til your tired, eat when your hungry, sleep until you wake up, and play till you dont want to.
sounds like a guy we had in our church when i was growing up, he was a mason and work hard as hell everyday. would put his head in his hand and just "rest" his eyes during the sermon.
Hope the eye is better!!
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