Worked a sweaty double shift today. Decided to jump into the dam project this morning. Chance of rain coming this weekend and it might be my last chance to catch some of this runoff for awhile Took about 3 hours to clean out ( 9 wheel barrow loads of sand and rock that had accumulated from previous rains ) and prep the area including placing 18 cinder blocks. Guzzled down 4 glasses of water after as I was super parched. Felt bad for Benita so I gave her 2 gallons after I was finished re hydrating. She hung out as usual and even came down to the dam area while I was mixing concrete - it's the splashing water thing I guess and not her interest in my engineering prowess.
Had a 2 hour break then got back into the thick of it. By 4:45PM I was finally done pouring the concrete in the cinder block cavities. The notch in the center of the dam will be for runoff through my planned water wheel that will operate a pump. Next up is to build the forms so I can pour more concrete that will seal the inside and outside of the blocks and level off the whole structure. Now I know why I've been putting this off - it was a real ball buster today. Lightning and thunder to the west of me as I write this....hope it stays north of me tonight.
Field Lab - I found your blog through your entry on Nomad Toe's, Magic Cabin in the Woods blog. I really am enjoying your blog. I see you don't have too many comments - maybe none so far... so I just wanted to let you know that you're not writing just for Bonita's sake. Don't you miss having a man's best friend around? How about a pup? What would Bonita do? I'm still on the grid, maybe one day I'll take my boyfriend's 80 acres in Colorado and go off grid. I'll need Nomad Toes to help me building my own cabin, though. Right now the closest I've come to being self-sufficient is having a 300 gallon water supply in my back yard. Oh well, you've got to start somewhere. Great blog... Looking forward to seeing what you do with the dam.
oops, sorry.... it's Benita (not Bonita).
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