Skipped the coffee this morning and actually felt better than usual for a change. Even without the caffeine kick (a quart of Gatorade instead)I got right to work and squeezed in 4 hours before heating up and pooping out. Stacked another 5 courses on half of the east entrance - and staged all the block for the other half. A bit slower going now that I have to climb up and down the scaffolding. Broke for a shower and had to share the stall with a grasshopper - neither of us seemed to mind.

Lunched at the GrubShack (as usual) then hit the road for an afternoon of Toyota Tundra air conditioning and some supplies in Alpine. Decided to supplement my laptop (and utilize some of my excess power) with amplified speakers from Radio Shack. Nice to be able to blast some sound out of the old HP for a change. The new sound system made cleaning up the inside of my little hut that much more pleasurable.
A little marching music never hurt anyone...what did you listen to?
You have been doing a lot of work and it shows. I hope you give yourself a break and can rest up this weekend, you deserve it.
Can't wait to see the Field Lab in person. I can relate to the "scaffold". Seeya in a few....R
Happy 4th of July John. Project looking good. You have been an inspiration to me and now I am doing big jobs around my place a little bit each day and I will GIT-ER-DONE. Still haven't gotten my solar oven working right, but am working on it.
Funny, I can't see how this will become a greenhouse. No windows ? Does all the light come from above ?
I'm soooo curious how this will look at the end !!!
Cool shite! Love checking your blog everyday to see what you're up to. keep up the good work.
Yippeee! Happy 4th!
Enjoy the fireworks, cookouts and great family times!
John, your dedication is amazing, who else would take a camera into the shower just in case there is a grasshopper waiting to have its picture taken.
In Texas a greenhouse only needs light from above and then usually heavily filtered with shade cloth. In winter some of the shade cloth can come off.
@rj Thanks for the explanation !
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