Slapped two coats
of paint on the BIG table but no welding quite yet - still some cypherin' to do. Discovered I was out of range feed and dangerously close to the bottom of my supply of refrigerant so took a swift poll and decided to do a quicky to Alpine. On the way up I passed this group of native African Scimitar-Horned Oryx grazing near the highway

Back home by 4:30 and plotted out the radius using the desktop computer. Perhaps after supper I will start setting blocks to form the curve of the roof system. Saving the first round of truss building for tomorrow....perhaps.

What kind of camera do you use John? Just curious. Pictures are nice.
Amen on Apollo, brother. Time to do it again. Did you ever think about the parallels between what you are doing and living in space, or on Mars?
Flexibility and adaptability. I think you'd do fine on Vastitatus Borealis or on Apollo 13. "Okay, we've got a roll of duct tape and a welder...."
Is that Elephant Mt in the background ?
In 13 years I have never seen this species in West Texas.I'm sure they are protected on a private ranch or game preserve.
Anyway you are making great progress towards your goal of making this work , my offer still stands.
And here's to Neil Armstrong's walk in the clouds 40 years ago , I remember our dear departed Walter Cronkite ( most "Trusted Man in America") reporting "The Eagle has Landed" July 20th 1969. here's to real hero's, both of them. Now you know how old I really am!
cheers b
I reckon them critters got brought in for sure on someones private land. That is Santiago Peak from HWY 118, 40 miles south of Alpine.
Its great to see how much wild life still hangs around with us making so much noise.
I'm excited to see how the jig and roof work out. Keep up the good work. I get tired just reading about how much you work
What a fine week that was when the Eagle landed. I have such fond memories of it. Thanks for the reminder.
Those critters look out of place out there, but, I guess they're well suited to the environment.
You're really cooking on the truss project, but, don't you still have some more concrete block to lay?
Best of luck with all...
I am sure you already have the trusses designed in your head but I thought I would turn you on to Google SketchUp if you have not already discovered it.
A free, really neat software.
That is one heck of a table. I still can't get over it.
Nelson, I just checked your profile. The movies that you like are great ones! maybe you know the name of a western that came out not too long ago with peirce Brosnan where the first 5 minutes had no talking and he was running away from something that you couldnt see until later in the movie. I cant for the life of me rember the name but I should have bought it when It came out.
Sounds like the movie "Seraphim Falls" that came out in 2006.
Ty , yes that was the movie and what a movie. I luved it.
Have any of you ever seen the movie called Dancer, Texas pop 81?
If you havent then I think many of you will appreciate the movie. some of you may not like it because it isnt fast paced but if you have time to really sit down and watch it do so.
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