Had another close encounter with a rattler this morning. Watched him for awhile until he uncoiled and decided to come toward instead of away from the house - then I shot him. Went on with the morning chores of feeding the birds and Benita. Ryan came by and when I showed him the fresh kill - he showed me how to skin it. Now I have a new talent to add to my list of desert living skills.

Gave a tour of the Field Lab to a nice bunch of folks this afternoon. They got the deluxe package including meeting my pet longhorn and viewing a freshly skinned rattlesnake. The girls where a bit put off though at the idea of an outdoor toilet and no television...

Finally got around to picking up all my tools that have somehow scattered around the grounds. Managed to clear some clutter as well. Took a nap, had dinner, then finished stacking the other half of the east entrance. Now I can't wait for Monday morning....
Did ya keep the meat? A nice rattler solar stew should be a tasty thing.
Hello John, Been a while since I've left a comment, but that doesn't mean I don't read of your adventures every day.
When I visited the Field Lab, I was inspired by your solar oven, so much so that I built one over the week end. First test tomorrow....maybe a batch of biscuits. Photos on my blog if you care to take a peek.
At least you saw the snake...it did not catch you by suprise. Did Benita get scared when she heard your gun go off?
Ryan is a very resourceful young man. Glad he was able to teach you a new desert skill. What do you plan to do with the skin?
Rattlesnake...tastes just like chicken...NOT! Sounds like you're having lots of fun!
Anyway, what's this about no television or movies? Three words: "hulu.com". Should be no problem with your ADSL connection. See a review at:
Ryan seems to be a resourceful guy. Where did he learn all of his skills on a ranch?
The Field Lab looks great.
No surprise the snake was heading for your place, under those shipping containers is the best and coolest shade for miles. I'd wager that if you take a good look under one sometime during the hottest time of the day that you would find all sorts of critters. During my desert prowling days I had me a short barrel 410 complete with holster and cartridge belt. Came in handy lots of times and it was hard to miss with it. By the way rattlesnake meat is pretty good grilled over an open campfire.
John, maybe you could build a snake fence around the greenhouse and living quarters, or perhaps use a ha-ha:
The girls should be grateful for the outdoor toilet, at the Rusty Can all they get is some brush and a pink shovel.
Rattlesnakes prefer: "38/357 Mag Blazr Shotshell Ammo/10 - 357 Magnum by CCI - Mfg# 3709
$12.99 Sale".
Once you kill the snake,, skin it, slict the belly nose to tail and grill it, but don't over cook it..
As for snake control under the containers.. Simple and cheap.. mothballs. They got em in Alpine. just sprinkle them around and under it.. Guaranteed to run them out.. That is what I use for the barn/shed also runs off wasp in my area. in your dry climate they should last a long time. Reapply as needed.
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