Slow day preparing for my McCoys delivery tomorrow and managed to get a loaf of solar bread cooked after the clouds cleared. Chuck'n'Kathy came out for a late afternoon visit and Chuck pointed out that a couple of my road washouts may be a problem for the delivery truck. Heading out early tomorrow to fill in the two bad spots.
Caught an excellent 6 minute fly by of the International Space Station tonight...here is the link to viewing opportunities in your area. http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/index.html
Good tip on the ISS.
Frankly, I'm shocked that we have so many interests in common. I've been tracking ISS passes for years, and before that, Mir. I've noticed your telescope in several of your pictures.
I was the last man to see the Space Shuttle Columbia from Australia. I was hosting a star party of the Alice Springs Astronomical Society about 50 klicks north of town that night, and the last item on the schedule was the Columbia, which came up right on schedule on it's last orbit before re-entry and landing. We all watched in awe as it arced up over the horizon, and we tracked it with our computerized scopes as it traversed the sky. Then we packed up and headed back to town.
An hour later I was horrified to see the first reports of the crash on the internet....
So, keep your eyes on the sky. It's important work. And you're in a great place to do it.
Phew, finally I have read your entire blog and now feel like I am qualified to join in on the conversation.
I just wished that TCM would post more of its shows on youtube or hulu so some of us can go back and rewatch the show.
John if Benita's owners were to gift her to you would you take her?
BTW, what type of telescope do you use, and do you download TLEs from NORAD to track orbiting bodies? I have a Celestron (although I've been through a few Meades), and a handmade six inch Newtonian.
Winterchill, do you really think the owner has anything to say at this point and time. John is the proud owner of a new "watch dog".
I have the schedule printed out of the ISS and Space Shuttle printed out here at my desk and never get tired of watch them go over.
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