Decided to tackle the mess on the north side of my complex. It's all about curb appeal. As construction progresses, I have to start thinking about the landscaping. Took 5 hours to consolidate and conceal the debris. Not quite done but made a huge dent in it today before I started getting dizzy from the heat and could smell my skin burning.
Camped indoors for a couple of hours then took a siesta. Woke up at 4:30 - s
ponged off the dried sweat and headed down for 241 night at the Starlight. Ran into 6 friends there and sucked up the cheeseburger and a couple of margaritas. Had a chance to finally meet my new best friend Dr. Doug on the porch....a bearded brother I have seen in the Ghost Town just about every time I've been down there. The two best beards in Texas. http://www.drdougs.com/

That is quite a web site the good doctor has!
Sometimes my Sunday afternoon naps last so long I wake up with a beard looking like that.
Every time I read your blog I go back to when I lived in the area. One thing I did get to see a couple of were puma, cougar.. Like the one in this great photo.
Never have figured out how to make those links click able. Sorry.
Stick that in your browser and then surf away. Some of these dont use much in the way of 12 volt power and you could hook it up dirrectly to a small solar pannel and car battery and you wont have to worry about milk for your cereal again.
Marc, those coolers look like they'd be great for runs to Alpine for groceries, but not for an off-grid fridge. Did you notice that they say they keep things inside at temps of 40 deg F below the ambient temperature. With ambient temps over 100 deg F, I wouldn't plan for them keeping milk from spoiling for very long.
Hi, Just
yes your right, that model wouldnt work if your place wasnt cooled with a swamp cooler(down to 80degrees) it did say 40-50 degrees below room temp,
But they did have other units that were alittle more in price and would do the job even if the inside of your place was 90.
Still, I was thinking of making hatch in the floor leading to an old fashion root cellar. the fridge would be in the root cellar with potatoes and such. It should stay around 70 degrees under your house in a Top cut out plastic tank lined root cellar.It should do the trick especially if your root celler was next to your burried water catchment tank.
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