Had a sprinkle last night so I rigged up my PVC pipe for the creek catchment system right after dinner - just in case. Alas...just a sprinkle it was. Tuesdays are pretty special because the GrubShack is open again after 2 days off. Chowed and chatted for 2 hours there this morning. Plotted my measurements, set some blocking and started laying out half of the first truss....each truss will have two of these, spaced apart 8" and all welded together. Still have to place all my zigzag parts to keep the thing from buckling. Did a water run down to the Ghost Town then finished the day (with another looming storm that pooped out) trimming and connecting the hose from the pump to the PVC.
What type of camera do you use? I would like to start my own blog and want a decent camera. Any suggestions?
I use the Canon G9
The truss begins to make since...as I knew it would.
Since when do trusses make sense?
That's some good looking truss work, John. It'll be great to see them set into place.
I like the high angle shot of the work space. You can really see what's going on from up there.
Sorry to hear you missed some more rain. Hope you're not too dry. August is coming up, and I hear that's rainy season down there.
you have inspired me to start writing again so i created a mountain blog.
take a look when you get a chance.
anyway those trusses look like they are getting HEAVY.
starting a small gas station and will soon have access a few extra red iron shim packs for that one container, will mail to you asap before they are covered on the corners in you have not done so yet.
Christmas in July - always a good thing.
What a wonderful picture of your workstation and truss in progress. I love shipping containers and love seeing them put to good use.
Good cheer!
this is a post from the Dallas Craigslist a friend of yours perhaps?
photography/art related...
Looking for a creative, enthusiastic, "marketing/sales whiz"!!
World renown New York Based photographer, whose career expands 35 years,
...author of 9 coffee table books, lectures and exhibits world-wide 70 of his images have been published as posters,... etc. etc.
Is seeking a "fine art photo marketing/sales whiz" for exclusive representation in your State or Multi State region.
One of the focuses is to open galleries, and create exciting events along with publishing, marketing opportunities.
These fine art images very salable, and collectable.
To understand the opportunity...Visit, http://www.FARBER.com/
This is commission only, but a good one for the right person!
I've lived in Texas...and the great thing about it is that you go there...and then you're a Texan! It's a world and country of its own.
What more do you need? I'm always angry with my grandparents that they just didn't exit Ellis Island and move to Texas. No, they took the Staten Island Ferry to Jersey and said, "This is far enough. Let's settle in New Jersey!"
Ok. I'll take care of that....
BTW, about to buy the G10.
John, do you do any water filtering or purification with the water you trap?
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