Went digging through old save emails today and came across one from my fotog friend Denise Milford
http://www.denisemilford.com/ Just before I left NY in search of what is now the Field Lab, she sent me some old photos from back in our NYC days. Somewhere on her website is another photo of yours truly....can you find it?

Fired up the old desktop to print out some profiles of my curved roof for the greenhouse. Now I have all the measurements ready. Cut up parts for my table top roof truss jig just before it got hot. Hope to assemble the monster jig tomorrow so I can start welding on Monday.
Ryan came by this morning with some parts he scrounged off one of the
MANY abandoned vehicles out here in the desert. I simply don't understand why some folks have s

uch a burning desire to bring a car out in the desert - strip it down - then just leave the carcass out in this beautiful desert landscape, knowing that it will sit there for years and years and years... This is the guts of an old car AC unit. Salvaged (recycled) desert junk and something else to add to the TODO list.
my wife and I read everything you post... don't take this the wrong way... we like your new look more. hehe... whatever makes you feel good when you look in the mirror though right?
A peek into the plan! Looks good. Will need water catchment on both sides of greenhouse. Of course John has already allowed for that.
#1 is too pretty of a lady to have a black eye.
John in another life #6/#7?
My guess #1 under the Plastic category. What do I win?
Great find by Ryan. I am wondering if the system still has any charge or if the compressor spins freely? Also for reference, what kind of car did it come from?
A salvaged air conditioner system gives me some idea. what are you planning to do with it?
Hey Chris I was looking at your profile and I noticed we are up the street from each other.
Do you remember a show that used to be on PBS about the man who homesteaded a property in Alaska? I forgot what i was called by I always enjoyed watching the show and hie progress to get his cabin built and his settlement livable.
I vote for the clown with the flowered drawers. A clown and a longhorn...what a match.
I would say check into researching the VIN of the abandoned vehicles, then have the law make the owners pay for proper (if there is such a thing) disposal. Of course, I never would have said such a thing back in the 60's & 70's...
Mr Brown wins a loaf of Field Lab Solar Oven Bread!.....send your mailing address to my email address.
Winterchill, the PBS program you are refering to is called "Alone In The Wilderness", and the guy's name is Richard Proenneke. The web site is www.dickproenneke.com. I bought a DVD copy for my wife last Christmas, and she loved it! It's basicly an earlier, more primitive Field Lab, Alaska edition.
Hey, I just checked out the Denise Milford web site. I really like her work, especially the people shots. Never could figure which one was you, though. Under the heading "Plastic" I'm thinking she used a Woca. I have one, and it takes pictures like that. Cool...
Hello Allen and thanks for that, I wasnt aware there was a website for that partcular show.
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