Just as I was deciding when to get started on the next phase of the battery house this morning, I got a call from my friend Charley. He asked if I could drive him up to Alpine to pick up a prescription. He was rushed to the hospital last week with stroke symptoms. Turns out it is only a nasty inner ear infection as far as they can tell at our local quackery. I was happy to oblige him as he would pay for the gas and I wouldn't have to finalize my decision on when to get started today. And it's the weekend...a Saturday - that's no time to be getting to work, anyway. I welcomed the chance to help a friend out, even though it meant a second trip to Alpine.
That trip pretty much shot the day which was OK by me. I was welcomed home by the sight of a second burro out here. My lonely burro buddy who has been hanging with the longhorns for 6 weeks now has found a friend of his own species to hang out with finally. I wondered that since animals don't tend to look in mirrors - how do they know they aren't like other animals they see? A perfect end to an easy day.

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