Cloudy morning and slowly the sun broke through for the rest of the day. My road is drying out nicely. Removed the forms from yesterdays section of the battery house. Forgot to tarp off the bldg last night so it will take a couple of days for the wall sections to dry out completely. Pumped another 150 gallons from my catchment tank to one of my other tanks. I was full up to the 550 gallon mark. Noticed a big dead spider in the tank so I will have to check my gutter screens tomorrow.
Looks like the rain is done for awhile. Ike is heading northeast after it pounds Galveston and surrounding areas on that side of Texas. Soon I will be wishing for some rain again. Finished reading Buddhism for Dummies and listened to Science Friday on NPR. Working on the list for my shopping run to Alpine on Monday....soon to be free again.

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